Why a Spring/Summer session can be a FANTASTIC choice!
Listen, I'm all about Fall!
It's the beginning of my birthday month...the getting out of sweatshirts and jeans after working so hard to stay fit enough to squeeze into that swimsuit all summer...and don't get me started on all the COLOR with the leaves and mums out...
HOWEVER, being in the Midwest, we have this unique opportunity to go through FOUR SEASONS each year. That means we get the experience of snow that changes into fresh buds of flowers which then move into warm sunshine & waves on Alum Creek, strawberries bursting & the Ohio State Fair and before we know it, we're making leaf piles and heading to pumpkin patches before everything turns brown and we're back to snow again.
So many of my incredible families come to me each fall...for some it's a tradition that they don't want to skip...and I understand that, believe me. I'm very much one that respects the sameness and comfort of having a specific thing to look forward to each year!...a same way of doing things...
But for those that may not be too settled on the tradition of it all...may I encourage you to consider a spring/summer session this 2017 year instead...
Here are a few PROS to that choice!
1. Try Something Fresh & New! CT PhotoMemories Family sessions aren't just "getting your picture taken", it's about an experience. By choosing a Spring/Summer session instead of a Fall session, you just change up the fun factor...tweak it a bit...it changes things up to make it all the more fun to look forward to.
2. You get to wear bright, happy, new colors. Fall is beautiful, as I said...however, it does tend to reflect a more matte/muted look with regards to color...typically choice colors are jewel toned or lots of layers...In the Spring or summer, you can wear flip flops & skirts & fluttery sleeves...colors can be all over the board and it gives such a happy feel!
3. Show Off your Tan. In the spring/summer it's geared more toward short sleeves & sleeveless outfits rather than multiple layers...so you can show off a tan or highlights in your hair!
4. Try an early morning or later evening session! You can do sessions in the early morning or later evening because the sun is out for sooo long in a day! I've done 7:30am sessions in the summer and they are wonderful...Kids are typically up that early anyway and then it's done and out of the way quickly! OR we wait until that sun is coming down and the heat of the day as diminished...it's beautiful light either way and so much flexibility instead of having to wait until a weekend and crossing your fingers for good Ohio weather.
Contact me at ctphotomemories@gmail.com ASAP to get your family on my calendar for Spring/Summer 2018!!! Be sure to sign up HERE to receive the Free Session Guide AND learn about the DEAL you get by doing a Spring/Summer session with the 2018 pricing.
Take a look at all these sweet families that chose a Spring or Summer session in the past years: