FAMILY SESSION: Squealing and Giggles

Our house was full of teenagers again last night...
a bunch of middle schools girls and guys...

I had to laugh at one point because, as all of the girls were squished onto the small couch, squealing, tickling, giggling, high pitched yelps, hair tangled, more giggling...

the guys (and my husband) sat at the edges of the living room watching this "phenomenon"...

I'm not quite sure what was going through their heads...but, I'm thinking it might have been something like, "I don't know what those girls are doing and holy cow are they loud!"

It's what girls do...and having 3 of my own, I'm used to it...lots of drama and giggles and squeals of delight...lots of silly and sometimes tears...and definitely lots of hair!

So, it doesn't phase me too much when I meet up with these 3 darlings and they each have their unique way of stealing the camera with their twinkling eyes and beautiful smiles...
Our sessions are typically filled with large amounts of sing-songy yelps and ohhhh the ideas! 

I inevitably end up laughing myself and marveling at their imaginative and creative set ups! 

As with my own 3 girls, I am once again inspired by the uniqueness of each they each play a different role in their family and you can't imagine that group without one of's as though they complete the circle! 

I can't wait to see them again this summer!

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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