InHome Lifestyle: Day in the Life
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InHome Lifestyle
I'm just going to say it...
If you do not have or don't quite know how to use a top notch camera...I believe it is 100% worth the investment to have at least one InHome Lifestyle photoshoot...
to capture the everyday life...the special nooks in your home...the laughter and seemingly insignificant moments of daily living...
this family valued that...
Don't get me's great to have those beautifully posed pictures with a sunset or gorgeous backdrop...
at the same time...this family understood that their little guy wasn't always going to use his tiny violin...and baby girl wasn't always going to be banging on a toy piano...
and yet, those are huge investments of their time & energy in the everyday...
and they wanted to capture that...
I love these sessions more and more...because they don't just capture what a person looks likes but they capture WHO they are...