KATE: Senior pics
I've got to tell you that I have really enjoyed doing Senior Girls sessions here of late...
There is something special about a teen girl...on the verge of adulthood, yet still not quite ready to give up all things princess or "little girl". It gets me excited in anticipation of my 3 daughters...
I had the privilege of hanging out with Kate and her mom for a beautiful afternoon. I loved learning about her style and fashion sense...her friends and team sports...
I also had the chance to talk with her mom, in between wardrobe changes, to learn about a mom's heart for her daughter. The interaction between the two of them was priceless...you could tell that their relationship was solid. This mom had the balance "thing" down pat...
Kate is REAL...what you see is what you get...and her eye for style is amazing! I hope you will see her personality shining through in these pictures:
Thank you Kate for allowing me the opportunity to see yet another fantastic Senior Girl:) It gives me great confidence and reassurance as my little ones are growing up!