October Frenzy:)
October can be a rather packed month...it's full with apple picking, pumpkin patching, hay rides, and trick or treat...playing in the leaves, bonfires, and hikes in the parks...
And it's time for picture taking...and hoooweeee, did we have lots of picture taking goin' on this month. I am utterly thankful for the opportunity I have...I've said it before and I'll say it again, I have an awesome "job"...What is really great about it, is that it's still a passion and a love and NOT just an "occupation"...
Because of that, I am able to give of myself to my clients in a "real" and sincere way...it's been a jampacked month...and I'll be honest that I've had my fair share of panic attacks with trying to get the editing finished as quickly as possible...
Once again, I also have the best clients in the world...ones that are gracious and patient and know that I'm giving it all I've got...I am blessed beyond measure!
I had over 8 photo sessions last weekend and I'm trying to give everyone a fair share of equal time...I hope you will enjoy this sweet family of 3...I loved their energy, their spontaneity, and their laughter:) I hope you will enjoy seeing just a bit of what I saw through my lens:)
I had to throw some "outtakes" in here for fun...they were a class act!!