Jessica is determined and driven...and she sets out to accomplish the goals she sets for herself...

I think these personality types are amazing...they don't necessarily get caught up in frivolous things but rather, do the job set out before them, with perseverance and confidence...

At the same time, I think they sometimes miss how INCREDIBLE they are just BEing themselves...maybe it's just humility or modesty...but often times, I think they are so motivated with the job before them, they don't see the beauties that they are, in and of themselves! 

Jessica is not only beautiful on the outside...she has joy and humor and energy and spirit that is unlike anyone else...just those qualities alone make her unique and amazing! 

I'm so excited for her...for whatever her future holds...because she's beautiful inside AND out! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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