Spreading My Wings...

I've known Aaron for lots of years...
He was the Creative Arts pastor at our church for a long while and to be perfectly honest, I was and still am in absolute awe of his talent...

He had a vision and he mingled the sound with the reverence and truth and brought all of us to a unique place of worship...

He always seemed fearless and determined, too...

but, I know that's not what it truly was...

you see, his wife, Katie and I are close friends...and because they are truly transparent and authentic, I know that though there is a level of audacity and perseverance that must present itself when in a situation like Aaron's, BUT there is never a point of ultimate confidence and guarantee...

yet, he is steadfast in his faith, in his calling, in his knowing that this is what he was created to do...

and THAT is what is amazing...

he stepped down from the pastorate position to pursue a new direction in music...

the lyrics combined with the music that he creates reaches the spectrum of emotion...

obviously, he's an artist at heart...so, I was thrilled and yet came with a bit of trepidation as we set out to collaborate on the imagery that he envisioned for his album cover

It was a completely different experience for me...

Although I'm a 'creative' as well, I can also be somewhat of a "rule follower"...and that means with light laws and composition techniques...but Aaron, was looking for something out of the box, a different type of light with fragments of shadow and texture...

And so...I was pushed out of my "norm" and my "comfort zone" in order to try something different.  I think an artist always leaves his/her mark...and so, even though this may veer a little from what you'd typically see, I think you'll still see portions of my love for photography in these images...but, ultimately, I hope we've captured Aaron's heart...and his vision...

You can follow him HERE on FB

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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