Instagram Love
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It's no secret that I love INSTAGRAM
My nieces actually got me started a few years ago...I'm in the older generation of Facebook and the Instagram phenomenon was still a tad lost on me...
However, I'm gung-ho, full force, open arm embracing it now...
It's a wonderful social media outlet...and much easier for my brain to understand that Twitter...and don't go shakin' your head at me...this is where my right brained-ness just need PICTURES and not the running commentary of words and hashtags that I can't seem to follow in responses...
okay, don't even get me hubby is a twitter fan and I am not...I try...but, it just isn't clicking...
And so...I hang out at Instagram...
I thought I'd share with you just a few of my funny favorites...
I follow a gazillion other photographers because I love to be inspired by their creative eyes...but, I have a smattering of other accounts that I follow that just make me laugh or are so awe inspiring that I do a double take...
Here are just a few:
Turtle Tuesday is just an instagram with pictures of this little just makes me smile...
Satiregram is completely makes fun of all of us and what we post on Instagram...
I can't remember how I found Socality Barbie but again, another rather sarcastic account to make fun of the many things that get posted on Instagram "in real life"...
These last two are more inspiring rather than sarcastic or funny...
Childhood Unplugged is just touching and raw and real...I love the diversity of it all...I love that the point is to UNPLUG and to BE in the moment...what a sweet reminder!
From Where I Drone is just breathtaking...the images that are captured from miles in the sky are just amazing and makes me yearn for places I have yet to see & travel
You are always welcome to join me on Instagram and take a look at those that I follow...I've met some incredible people through social media...their encouragement and kindness goes a long way...
I'd love to see you there too!