Heart's Devotion

Everyday during the LENT season, this guy (the one way on the left in the first photo) has written a note about, for, explaining, expressing love to...his wife...

I just finished reading a book entitled Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis...it's an inspirational read about 2 people who were determined to become "two hearts that commanded devotion".  Every Friday the male main character sent a postcard to his wife...through all their years of marriage until he passed away...all through the book I was reminded of the facebook status updates that highlighted this guy's (the one in my pictures) love for his wife...not because of jobs they have, the money they make, the children they've been blessed with...nope...their love is based on something that "commands devotion" over the long haul...being made fresh and new with each new season of life...

It was evident as their extended family gathered together that this is something that is cherished among all of them...

Ya think you're just getting your picture taken and end up getting these lengthy philosophical explanations...but, really...life can't be summed up in just one moment...it's the slow, methodical choices in the mundane of life...it's the thrill & excited emotions when the unexpected blessing occurs...it's waking up every morning and choosing to put someone else ahead of your own desires...the biggest rewards often come with the biggest sacrifices...

We had a great afternoon photographing, laughing, talking and mucking around in the dried out stream...It was my pleasure to spend time with them all...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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