Love is Choice
Sometimes decisions are difficult....especially when they are the types of choices that you know are going to affect the rest of your life...
And yet, when you are faced with that type of decision and you know in your heart which way to do it...
Sometimes it means that big change will happen...and it did for this sweet gal!
I'm not sure she ever imagined that she's leave her home in Germany one day, that she'd have to say goodbye to her sister whom she adored, that she'd raise her children in America...but, when she met her "knight in shining camouflage" as he was stationed in Europe, she knew that she didn't want to leave his as hard as it was to say goodbye, she went with him and left behind all she ever knew...
If that isn't a love story, I don't know what is...she adores her man and now they have these 2 sons whom they are raising to be respectful, kind-hearted and committed men one day! I was utterly impressed with so much about them...Her husband is now in the police force...with that conjures up words like courageous, fierce, stoic...and yet, at the same time, to watch him be tender with his wife and playful with his boys...They are doing something right folks!!!
There was an extra member of the family present the day we met for some family pictures...the sweet sister that had to say goodbye to her big sister is still in Germany...and every year, she saves enough to be able to come visit...
Having a sister that died when I was in college, my heart was overflowing as I saw them hold hands, hug...I watched her dote on her nephews...
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to be able to just get a glimpse into their lives...these are the people I like to rub shoulders know that they are journeying through life successfully and well!
So very thankful!