Snapshop PART 2
One thing that has been constant throughout all my surveys after a Snapshop class has been the desire for a "part 2"...I understand this...because so much information is thrown at you and you are just soaking it in...We just finished up another such class and I am just in awe of how everyone hangs in there with all that foundational ground work...and the "ah has" that burst out when we start practicing:)
However, often when you get home and start to practice some more, you discover that little tidbits of information have suddenly leaked out or brain cell washed away while sipping too much Diet Pepsi late at night editing photos (never mind that last part...that's probably just me)
I will be honest that I have struggled to determine how to introduce a Snapshop 2 that would be worthwhile for everyone...because everyone has excelled at different levels and discovered their own particular style of where to start?
I started putting together another "class" type workshop, but then got bogged down in so many little details...and what I started to realize is that what often helps people the most, is practice...and more practice...and someone giving a little tip here and little tip there...and then all of a sudden, another tidbit CLICKS and you get it:)
Therefore, I'd like to "float an idea" with you all...I am thinking of offering a couple of Snapshop 2 "Photo Walks" this summer...We would meet up at a specific location and have a little "powwow" to review some basics and discuss just a few more details that weren't covered fully in the first class...THEN, we would set out with a check list of "situational set ups" where everyone could practice...I would be right there to help answer questions, to bounce off ideas, to discover how to use light to your advantage...
I'm thinking that by offering a couple of dates and different situations (i.e. a sunset walk one time and an afternoon walk with some indoor practice at a later date) you could potentially come to both of them, but at least one and it would be a time where you could come away feeling not only motivated for more, but confident because you "nailed it!"
It would be open to any past Snapshop thinking would be that it would last between 1-2 hours and would be minimal cost...I'd of course have to come up with "something" as a sweet takeaway gift to "commomorate" our time together;)
So, I'd like to get your input...would I have some takers? If so, could you email me some good dates or dates that are NO good for you as well? I'd love to make it worth your while and hopefully allow some time for other "mamarazzis" to get together and bounce ideas off each other, in the pursuit of getting storytelling/memorable/fantastic pictures of our kids!!!
Can't wait to hear from you!
I would love that. Different "walks" would help with the lighting, environment, and posing. I personally would like to learn more about taking photos of art work but know that is not a common request. Hope that helps.
Great idea Colleen! Sounds fun!