Trying Something Different

So, I tried something out of the ordinary for myself today...

It's something that we go over in the Snapshop, but I'm normally one to get a groove and then refuse to make waves...therefore, trying new things or changing routines (especially when things are already working) can be a little difficult.  That's not to say that I don't like being spontaneous...I normally like things after I've tried something's just the REMEMBERING that I have options is what kills me!

Therefore, I got out of the "routine" today...

It was beautiful today...windy, but beautiful...very odd for the "winter" season, but we aren't taking it for my youngest (Little Munchkin) and I took the opportunity to spend some time outside.

With the wind however, came cloud cover over the bright sun...the light was changing CONSTANTLY...I could look through my viewfinder on my camera one second, get the picture that I wanted and then BAM, the sun would blast through again...

So, I decided to get out of Manual mode and put it in A (or AV for those Canon users).  This meant that I got to control the Aperture, but I let the camera decide what to do with all that extra (or lack of) light...I noticed that the camera had to change the shutterspeed with every shot I took...even when I was whipping them off quickly as Little Munchkin was riding her bike...

It was a fun trick to try and I got a chance to relax and not have to think so much about my settings...I also got to practice with a couple of my favorite prime 35mm/1.8 and my 70-200mm/2.8 (which I ADORE btw)

Here are a few from the afternoon...just a matter of 30 minutes, I took about 115 pictures...crazy huh???

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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