Libby is a talented, kind-hearted, determined girl that has a contagious HAPPY!

She's got a spirit that can't help but bubble out...

I only am afforded a small amount of time with each of my Seniors...

and yet, in just the first few moments, I can get a sense of what the next couple hours will bring...

and with Libby...I KNEW...I knew in my heart of hearts, that we were going to be HAPPY...

There is an air of contentment that surrounds that allows her to choose the JOY in situations...

I know you may be thinking..."well, she's beautiful, how hard can that be for her to choose JOY?" 

To which I would reply that we don't really know the insides of the others that we meet...and the raw fact that Libby makes the effort to wear a smile, to find the giggle, to light up in the little things...

she's learning to choose a JOY that is OUTSIDE of circumstances...beyond the beauty that she possesses in her appearance...

and because of that...she just SHINES!

What a pleasure and privilege to spend time with her and her parents...

from dad scraping dog doo off his shoes, to demonstrating some football poses...
from hot temperatures to potential rain...

we had a memorable, HAPPY and meaningful session...

what more could I ask for???

Congrats Libby! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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