InHOME Lifestyle SESSION: Heroes and Everything

She was such a tiny little peanut when I met her...

And ohhhh how she is adored by her siblings and entire family...

She doesn't yet know how much she is loved, except by the fact that she has no cares other than to whimper when she's hungry or tired or needs a change...and her needs are met immediately...

She has one big sister to show her the ropes and two big brothers to protect her forever...

they will teach her to dance and to laugh and to play...she will learn to hug and kiss and cuddle...

they will be her heroes and she will be their everything :)

Their home is one filled with security and kindness, play and togetherness...

I count it an absolute joy to have met them and to have been privileged to capture a short chapter in the story of their life! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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