My husband is my opposite.

It would be boring if we were the same.

However, the longer we are together, the more clearly I see how those differences and similarities work together in this incredible harmony that enable us to walk through this life in a unique and really captivating way...

Where he is orderly, scheduled and punctual...I am spontaneous, fast-paced, and pretty much always late...

However...he is able to help me achieve goals I never thought possible because of his planning and grasp of reality...and I am able to bring the easy & light & FUN to an otherwise "ho-hum" situation...over time, he has rubbed off on me, and me onto that, there are even times where we've "switched roles"... (yes, I CAN figure out an excel spreadsheet!!)

this truly amazes me...these abilities to give & take, serve & love, change & grow into more than we ever could become on our own...

There is a freedom in being the person you are created to be...but, I have learned (over my 40+ years) that there is even MORE to be gained by letting go of a presumed "ideal" and choosing to love & sacrifice...

It's not always an "easy" road...there are times that I KNOW...I mean, I KNOW KNOW KNOW that I am right and I soooo want to stick to my guns and "let 'em have it"...and I GUARANTEE there are times that I drive him absolutely crazy...

but those small choices...those tiny opportunities to "see the light" from a different makes all the difference in the world...

maybe not immediately...
infact, sometimes those "sacrifices" don't materialize into something good until way down the road...and the waiting can be hard...really hard...

but, in my experience, it's been unbelievably worth it...

I get to meet couples & families that are sometimes in the same season of life as myself...and others are just a few years behind us...

What is always fascinating is this whole concept of opposites and then the "work" of coming together..."seeing the light" from difference perspectives...the give & take...the choice!

This family has an eye for the light, in a literal sense as well...they are able to see the beauty in their surroundings not just because of nature itself, but because they recognize the uniqueness in each other...they have a desire to see each other "shine"...the love they have for their little girl is a common ground, and they are free to bring their own "differences" to spur one another on...

It's a beautiful dance...

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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