INHOME LIFESTYLE: deep welled hearts
Part of my "photography" is producing a blog post for my families, seniors, inhome lifestyle shoots...
It's an "add on" for my clients, but it's an extension of ME...I want my photos to "tell the story" on their own, but I'm a lover of words too...and sometimes, I can't keep quiet...
well, most of the time...I CANT KEEP QUIET...
I know that we only "hang out" for 1-2 hours depending on the session...but, in that time, I am connecting...and if I'm going to capture personal moments...if I'm going to focus on the heart of a person or family...then I want to expand on that for you to see the WHOLE of them...
and isn't neat to connect in that know you discover similarities and think, "hmmm, they're like me...we could be friends"...and then your world gets just a teeny bit bigger...
I like to connect that way...and so, I share...
However, last fall, I went a little haywire with scheduling and was doing back to back to back sessions for mainly the entire month of October...for 2 weeks straight, I had around 22 sessions PER WEEK...
It was all I could do to get everyone's sessions edited a couple weeks before Thanksigiving so that I could dive into all my family's traveling and shindigs...
then Christmas hit...
We finally got to the new year and I've been playing catch up...attempting to showcase my clients with meaningful posts and beautiful images...
In an attempt to NOT get backed up for 2016, as I have sessions now, I'm going to intermix them with my 2015 sessions...I'm hoping to be on the upswing by the end of May :)
Enter: InHome Lifestyle Session
It was my first one of the 2016 year and I fell in love...
There is something to be said for families that value the raw and realness of lifestyle photography...they crave the emotion and attention to relationship rather than the perfect pose and white toothed smiles...
Smiles and poses aren't bad at all...for me, it comes down to purpose and connection...if I can capture emotion in a "pose" I will...often, though, it's in the realness of the moment...the candid happenings that the JOY takes place...
I was thrilled when this family asked me to join photograph their energetic older boy with all his interests & big boy room...and then to focus in on their newbie and the relationships being bonded & grown...
Boys (I've been told) can be a handful of energy and curiosity...and I believe it takes a special heart and patience to listen and guide and connect...this mom and dad have GOT IT DOWN! I watched Dad so in tune with body language for his sons...and his gentle hand and strong heart...I watched Mom cuddle and pour herself out to these little guys and then share her love for her "first fur baby" as well...
I count it a privilege to meet people like the ones you'll see in the following images...
Colleen, you are AMAZING! We so enjoyed our session with you and enjoy the photos throughout our house every day. Thank you for capturing our family and for your kind words!