open table
I was asked to take some pictures last night at one of the monthly gatherings of The Open Table.
I wish I were more eloquent...I wish I had words that could adequately express what I experienced...
I did not take pictures of faces (purposefully)...I took pictures of helping hands, of big hearts, of non-judgmental attitudes, of gratefulness, of hope...
It made some a little, with my big ole camera walking around...and so, I put it away after a short while...and I sat at the tables with them...
I met two Navy veterans who talked with me about their time in service and they asked me about photography.
I met quite a few single moms who I wished I knew well enough that they would have felt comfortable receiving a huge hug from a complete stranger...but instead, I played with their kids (and kicked myself for not learning another language fluently) These children that sat patiently awaiting their turn...obedient, kind & playful...they could have been students in MY class when I taught at school.
I met elderly ladies that I know have lived long enough that the stories they could share would leave people enthralled.
I don't know what has led them to where they are...and quite frankly, with all the politics involved, I didn't want my mind to travel there...I wanted to see PEOPLE and not just circumstance...If I'm completely honest, even the frequent "pull up your bootstraps" attitude of mine, was just put on the shelf for the sake of grace...for the sake of the moment...
I walked away from last evening with a different perspective...
sometimes changes occur in small increments...a changed alternate view...a new way of "seeing"
If you are interested in volunteering at the Open Table here in our own community, see the facebook page HERE or our church website HERE