Rain, Rain Go Away...
I obviously have led a very sheltered life...
I had to google "expat" family in order to understand the crucial time piece to this family photo session. For those that don't know what an Expat family is...my understanding is basically that the family is from one country, but one or both parents work in another country...therefore, their visits "home" are relatively few and rather short lived. Therefore, there was a time sensitivity to this session, while they were here in the states....not to mention the fact that this beautiful momma is expecting twin girls!
The family is truly amazing...from the story of how they met (gotta love realty :) ...to the sense of humor that MUST be present when faced with long, long, long oversea trips...
We met at one of my favorite locations to shoot, with a light breeze blowing. After about 20 minutes that "nice cool breeze" turned into a fierce wind racket and sideways rain. We barely had time to dodge under some stairs near one of the buildings in order to wait it out. Not sure what I was thinking with my OCD tendencies of checking the weather forecast...
And yet, I don't think I'd want to be "stuck" with any other family. They had me laughing and joking the entire time...we even made use of our tiny space for a few more silly pics.
By the time the rain passed, I had already taken so many pictures and was having so much fun, I didn't even want to stop...however, Momma had already been on her feet so long, that she was due for another rest. All of them have a genuine carefree perspective of life, which makes it really easy to not only enjoy conversation with them, but there is no feeling of having to impress either...I immensely enjoyed hearing their stories about life overseas and their "ya take the good, ya take the bad" attitude...(perhaps I should have entitled this post 'the facts of life'...is anyone humming the tune right now?)
Hope you'll enjoy their "story" as well...