I've known this lovey for ages...lots of ages for her...because she's graduating this school year...

We sort of adopted her as our 4th daughter and I'm ever-so grateful for it!

She's a middle kid by birth order in her family, but she's more of an oldest in ours...on the outside she's happy-go-lucky, go with the flow, don't make waves kind of girl...

She's the easiest of friends, the kindest of hearts and the one that strives to bring a smile to everyone's face...

What others may not see, is that she feels deeply and thinks deeply about a lot of things...

She's incredibly strong, and sometimes she uses that strength to carry the weight of others' burdens because her compassion seems limitless...

I love this sweet girl...I love her spunk, her giggle and most of all her heart...

She will make her own way as she goes...and I pray that the friends that she meets, the ones that get a front row seat to her journey, will cherish her...will come alongside and let her soar...and always take a moment to see into the heart of this girl!

Love you are marvelous! 
~Mama T

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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