Best Christmas Gift Ever...

Christmas came a bit early this year...

Oh, the weather outside may have been frightful and cold, but it was toasty and warm with anticipation inside the Courthouse last week...

And in just a few short minutes, many lives were changed forever...

It's amazing to me how things can change in an instant..
irreversible, life-changing, unforgettable moments...

Where there once was only 2, now there are three...
where there once was a future filled with unknowns, now there are endless possibilities...
where there once was "all alone", now there is a sea of hearts that are forever hers...

Her momma kept telling her, "you can't give us back"...and it is so!

It is an amazing story that will be theirs to share for eternity...
but it began with a choice, a sacrifice and a commitment...

Moments like these shake me to the core, because the solemness and weight of the decision is so evident and binding...

and because it is here that the GREATEST gifts can be witnessed...

they are found in the waiting, 
in the hoping, 
in the stead-fastness, 
in the tears of the pain and of joy,
in the believing,
in the hard work and the never giving up,
in the selflessness,
in the placing focus on Someone who has it planned already...

Lives are changed...

There are guaranteed to be days of huge successes and FUN and laughter...
but also of struggle and frustration...

ahhh, this journey of parenting...of family...

and yet together, there is no other path quite like it...
and the rewards far outweigh anything else...

Congratulations sweet family...thank you for allowing me the privilege of watching it unfold! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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